Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Effects of Caffeine and Coffee on the Body

I don't even know where to begin with caffeine, particularly coffee. It has many negative effects on the body. Here is just the beginning ... headaches, irritability, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar, upset stomach, panic attacks, depression ...

Don't kid yourselves, caffeine is a drug; and the most popular drug in the world at that. It steals minerals from your blood and bones, causes breast cysts, and strongly effects the alkalinity of your body. The natural pH of our bodies is 7.35-7.45. Coffee and caffeine create a very acidic environment, which causes our bodies to frantically restore its
balance. To do that, it steals those minerals from our blood and bones, leaving our bodies weak. An acidic environment in the body is what cancer cells thrive on.

Here is a fantastic article about the importance of pH balance in the body.

I know what you are thinking, "I could never give up coffee.
Stephanie has lost her mind!" But you need to decide for yourself, is it really worth it to you? A weak body and a cancerous environment?

There are some GREAT alternatives to coffee out there. My favorite is Teechino. Teechino brews just like coffee, tastes like coffee, but is known as an "herbal coffee." They even have a plan on their website to help you kick the caffeine habit! It is available on their website and most health food stores including Whole Foods. Its made from herbs, nuts, fruits and grains that are roasted, ground and brewed just like coffee. It is 75% organic, caffeine free, non acidic (it even helps to RESTORE the alkaline balance in your body), its high in potassium and soluble fiber, and is a prebiotic.

I used to be a HUGE coffee lover until I changed my lifestyle. I LOVE Teechino because I get to have my coffee ritual, as well as the smell and taste that I love! They have many flavors too! My favorite way to brew it is in my French press. I urge you all to give it a try; it could be a very small but dramatic change in your life and health.


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